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View Full Version : Hi Everyone, a newbie from sydney.

Wed Sep 10, 2008, 12:39 AM
Hi Everyone :)
Just wanted to say a quick hello and introduce myself. I joined yesterday and have been busily reading all the great information here.
Congrats on having such a great site!!
My hubby and I have have kept a variety of fish now for about 15 yrs after I gave him a 3ft aquarium as a christmas present and our love for all things fishy grew from there. :D
We have bred Angels and Bettas in the past but as the skin family grew my time became limited and all planned breeding of fish slowed to a halt. But I would love to get back into that again in the future.

After lots of researching into the care of Discus we ended up buying some very big beautiful discus from an elderly breeder who was moving interstate. We purchased 6 lovely adult fish, 4 of which were breeding pairs, however breeding them was not our intention. They were approx 4 yrs old and had so far lived their lives in breeding tanks so I just wanted to let them retire and enjoy the good life in our 6ft planted tank. They must have thought it was all pretty nice as they did continue to try and breed on the glass and wood but they would then eat the eggs. I think they felt the other discus and tetras and were a threat perhaps. We had the pleasure and beauty of these fish for several more years until old age caught up with them all eventually.
Now we have 5 young discus in our 6 ft tank, Im really enjoying watching them grow and develop personalities. Having not had young juvies before I was a little nervous about settling them in and keeping them happy but these guys have been a delight, they were eating out of my hand within 24hrs and there is nothing shy about them.
I have so much to learn about these beautiful fish, I think I was spoiled with my last lot, they were so trouble free (and thats a good thing). Im sure this forum is going to be of a big help to me.
I'll try and attatch a pic of my new happy crew.

Wed Sep 10, 2008, 10:46 AM
Hi Chell, a very warm welcome to the forum.

Your new babies are gorgeous :P

With your experience I'm sure you'll have no problem raising them.

Lots of good food, lots of clean water and you'll have healthy adults in no time.

Wed Sep 10, 2008, 11:00 AM

Beautiful little babies. Good luck with them.

Thu Sep 11, 2008, 10:40 AM
Thankyou for the warm welcome and nice comments on the babes.