View Full Version : Where can you buy shrimp from ??

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 04:26 AM
Does anybody know where you can purchase shrimp from within Sydney. I am in South West Sydney and would love some of these little algae eaters for my discus tank, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 05:18 AM
Ask Fish Rock Aquariums.
They sell some nice one and they will post them for you.

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 06:52 AM
How big are your discus? You do know that discus will gladly feed on your shrimp right? It's best to provide alot of plant mass so they can hide. Most shops only sell cherry shrimps or CRS which are alright at eating algae but are more for decorative purposes, they are also pretty expensive.

Just go to a local creek or river and catch yourself some glass shrimp, they are very good at eating algae. They should be becoming more active now since spring is starting and the weather is warming up. Otto's (otocinclus) and BN's are also good at eating algae.

Mon Sep 01, 2008, 09:29 AM
Thanks for your advice and locations, much appreciated, I do have another tank without any discus in it so maybe this tank would be more suitable for the shrimp.