View Full Version : i need some help or some reassurance

Wed Aug 27, 2008, 05:45 PM
Unfortunatley ive lost two of my 6 discus over the last 3 weeks. I'm not sure what to do becuase my water quality is fine with no ammonia, nitrite or nitrate. I've got a 200l tank and do a 25-30% water change weekly. I've one of the discus a year, another a month and the other 4 i've had 6 months. The two that have died have been part of the latest additions and were about 4-4.5". They both had nice clear red eyes and were reasonably brighty couloured. The thing the two had in common were that they were bottom of the pecking order. The first one died without showing any signs at all, she used to be the bottom of the pecking order and was never a big eater. Now i've lost my second one. He became bottom of the group after my first one died but was still eating. To be fair he mainly only ever ate bloodworms which i feed every couple of days for their evening feed. although he takes the odd nibble at flakes he doesn't show a huge amount of interest. Anyway i hadn't fed him bloodworms for 2 days today and he has just past away. Could it be that he was malnourished and a combination of that and being bullied killed him or am i doing something wrong?
I added some new plants about 2 weeks ago and another filter as well could these have influeneced his death in anyway.
I moved all the decor around as well to try and interruppt the bullying but it didn't really work, im scared that the two dominant guys are gonna pick off my discus one by one if thats the reason i lost my last two. But also i can't understand why? they've been happy and feeding well for 6 months and i don't do anything different or added any fish in that time so why has this just started this far down the line please help my find a cause to my losses.
Oh and i wormed them the other day with wormer plus because i noticed my latest casualty was looking a bit on the skinny side

Thu Aug 28, 2008, 06:44 AM
Sorry to hear that you have lost a couple of discus but it happens to all of us from time to time. You could try dividing your tank with a some plastic gutter guard or something similar to stop the bullying until they get use to each other...When i notice my fish going off their food upon closer inspection it is usually something as simple as Flukes...what i do is treat them with octozin and then after a big water change I use a PP treatment but if you don't want to yse this just try using the octozin and see how you go.