View Full Version : Discus getting picked on to death ???

Wed Aug 27, 2008, 10:32 AM

After finally getting my discus over their shyness they have all begun to squabble and fight, where im used to cichlids squabbling these guys are now targeting individual discus then picking on them to the point of where they are dieing.

Ive lost 2 discus this week this way, my water quality is good(ph 6.4, nitrate 5mg/l, ammonia nil, temp 28c) and and feeding them quality food 2-3 times a day, water changes twice per week and they are in a well filtered 7x2x2 ( 2 eheim 2028`s )

Most of my discus are around the 8cm mark and have a few a bit bigger and the biggest is 12cm.

There is 20 discus in this tank and i dont know why they are doing this or what to try next.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
