View Full Version : Hi all

Tue Jul 29, 2008, 02:10 PM
Hi everyone,

I've been reading on this forum for a while now and have decided to commit (oh god, that word all men hate) to a post.

I am currently in the process of researching Discus as I have been a fan for a long time and have learned from mistakes with other species that good research saves a lot of money.

I plan to purchase/build a 6'x2'x2' heavily planted Discus aquarium as a centerpiece for a new house that my fiancé and I are planning to buy. After much reading, I am considering and overflow/sump filter system as I like the idea of having all the filtration/intakes/outputs/heaters etc. hidden is very appealing. I plan to have the back corners of the tank to be blocked off at 45 degrees to allow the plumbing for the overflow (intake)/return to be hidden.

I have a few questions in relation to this, and although unsure of whether they are appropriate for this section of the forum, have included below in order to avoid starting a new thread.

I live in Perth, namely the far northern suburbs, and was wondering if anyone knew of a good Discus breeder in the area? A lot of the LFS have Discus regularly, although quite often they look unwell etc.

Furthermore, in addition to breeders, would anyone be aware of a good supplier to purchase a slightly customised glass aquarium, and an appropriate metal stand?



Barry N
Wed Jul 30, 2008, 01:01 AM
Hi Chris,

Welcome aboard. You are certainly in the right place to get the answers you are seeking.

The new tank sounds great - keep us updated with how it goes.


Wed Jul 30, 2008, 02:38 AM
Hi Chris, Welcome to our forum - the best forum for what your getting yourself into!

IMO - dont say no to canister filters just yet as you can hide everything with them too (using holes and bulkheads and external heaters). The great thing about sumps though is the extra water increasing the tanks load.

Congrats on the new house. :wave2 cant wait to see picks of the set up.

Wed Jul 30, 2008, 10:09 PM
Welcome Chris.....=)
Goodluck in purchasing your new place and keep us posted on your tank setup plans. 6fter will look awesome and fingers crossed somebody here can help you source some good quality discus.