View Full Version : breeding turq not looking the best - Hole in the head

Sat Jul 26, 2008, 11:21 AM
Hi there the male of my breeding turqs isn't looking too good. You might be able to see from the pics that there are bumps around his mouth and on his forehead. His colour is a bit dark as well and his eye looks a little milky.
They had breed for a couple of weeks and didn't eat too much. the female was pooping white stringy pooh so I took out the cone and treated them with prazi. It was on the second treatment of prazi that I noticed the male was looking like he aged and had a big row of wringles above his eyes. The female also started to shed white on her gill plate, although she is looking much better now.
I am currently doing 30% daily w/c's have the temp up to 30.1
ph = 7.2 (this is a little higher than I usually have it, but I will drop it again gradually to 6.4) ammonia = 0, nitrate = 0, nitrite = 0. I have added 40 grams of salt last w/c (tank is 130 ltr)
Pics... any idea what is happening and how I treat it? thanks again






Sun Jul 27, 2008, 03:53 PM
It's the start of Hole In the Head, or Hex. Very early at this stage, so it will respond well to treatment.

Finish the prazi treatment, then do several big water changes and add some carbon to your filter for a day or so, then you can commence the Metro treatment in line with this post -


Sun Jul 27, 2008, 11:04 PM
thanks Merrilyn that is what I was afraid of :(
hopefully have caught it early

Sun Aug 03, 2008, 02:08 AM
Ok after the metro course the male still doesn't look as if he is doing well. I'm not sure if he is eating. At the moment I'll just rely on 50% water changes and add some salt.
I'm not sure I got the right metro dose, the vet gave me 8.5 400mg tablets for 80 ltrs of water. I figured I should have had 3 x 5 tabs, 15 in total for the 3 day course.
Should I start to repeat the course?
The female has done well, her colour is back and she is eating, he is still dark in colour and spends his time hiding under cover.
