View Full Version : Why has this happened

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 06:32 AM
Hi guys and girls

I had a discus pair in my community tank breed a couple of times they ate the eggs, then i moved them to a 2ft tank and they breed after a few weeks but only to eat the eggs just before hatching.

Since this has happened all they have been doin is fighting and pretty bad, why is this??? I have now decided to put them back with my other discus in the community tank to see what happens between the pair

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 07:35 AM
did the male fertilise the eggs? Did the eggs go white?The parents will eat the eggs if they are not fertilsed (unfertilised eggs are white) they will also eat them if they feel threatened. where they startled at all? Where have you got the 2 foot tank? best somewhere without traffic. is that tank 2 x 2 x2? make sure it is more than 80 ltrs.
How long was it before they eat them?
persevere they will eventually get it right.

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:16 AM
next time cage the eggs so they cant eat them, that red turk pair I got of AHC had them same habit, seeing the fry seemed to break it.

Mon Jul 21, 2008, 02:58 AM
the eggs were fertilised out of say 100 eggs there was on 10 if that, that wasnt fertilised. They were in the loungeroom where nobody goes in there so they couldn't be startled at all. They ate them probably 18 hours before wriggler stage so i was very angry i know they are young but now they dont want a bar of eachother

they are back with my other discus to give them some time out and see what happens.