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View Full Version : New Cobalt blues !

Sat Jul 19, 2008, 05:06 AM
Hey Guys :D

I bought 4 discus last week and they have been hiding the whole time, ive since learnt that they needed more tankmates !

So today i picked up what were labeled as cobalt blue discus ! I got 6 of them !


I think im hooked :D


Sat Jul 19, 2008, 06:00 AM
They look great.

They are not cobolts there blue diamonds. Nice colours with good red eyes and except for the one with a slight parrot beak appear to have good shape!

Great buy!

Sat Jul 19, 2008, 09:47 AM
Is there a reason that they are blue diamonds instead of cobalts like colour, shape ect ? How do you tell ?

Thanks :D

Sat Jul 19, 2008, 09:48 AM
Yes, BD's
But they look really nice (apart from the slight bridge on that one's nose)

Feed well, lots of fresh water and they should grow nicely. Sooner see a BB for raising though :)

Sat Jul 19, 2008, 09:51 AM
Cobalts have markings on the face and have 9 bars. BD's should have no bars or markings. They are very nice BD's

Sat Jul 19, 2008, 09:52 AM
This is a Cobalt

Sat Jul 19, 2008, 10:41 AM
Thanks again H and everyone for their help :D

Here` a newb question.

Sooner see a BB for raising though

Whats a BB ?


Sat Jul 19, 2008, 10:56 AM
Sorry mate, BB = bare bottom tank

When growing out juves, like yours, because you need to feed heavily, water change regularly, a bare bottomed tank is far easier to maintain. With a planted tank, uneaten food gets trapped between the gravel,as well as poop, and it all goes to lower your water quality, which must be the prime consideration if you want them to reach a good size


H :)

Sat Jul 19, 2008, 11:15 AM
Oh ok i though BB was another discus strain after talking about BD `s :D

Thanks for your help :D


Sun Jul 20, 2008, 07:29 AM
cool fish scat - that's 10 now :lol: :lol: hope it goes well and you get some pairing happening!

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 07:51 AM
Thanks :D

Its only been 24 hrs so how long do they take to settle in and stop hiding ?


Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:04 AM
I just hope that these all came from the same place, meaning that they have all been on the same system. Really, strict quarentine 'should' be obsevered to stop any contamination of your existing fish. I have know a few people loose ALL of their fish due to no QT.

Might take a few days for them to get settled, lots of clean water (again, easier in a BB tank) should bring them round.


Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:14 AM
Craig... nice fish mate. They look very healthy with good colouring and shape :wink:

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:22 AM
Hi H,

Thanks for your invaluable advice :D

Yes they all came from exactly the same system and the same tank also,the lfs is a friend and a valuable sponsor of the club i am a committee member of, so quarantining and other aspects of introducing external diseases/bacteria`s and are not new to me.If i wasnt 100% confident of the source of the supplier/water conditions ect i would have quarantined.

I hear you about BB tank and i agree but will have to let them grow in the 7ft and will change them into pairs into BB tanks when the time comes to breed because atm they have no-where else to go and this tank is already a amazon based tank with 90% of its inhabitants, plus the excellent filtration and the fact that is a well established enviroment.

I did a 35% w/c last night and a gravel vac as well and have been testing all aspects of my water constantly ! Things are fine and i will be red hot on the maintaince and water quality of this tank !

So they should settle in a few days ?

Cheers :D

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:25 AM
Thanks Matt15 :D

It means alot to me hearing all you experienced discus hobbyists telling me i have got good fish !!!

Thanks :D

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:33 AM
Ok Craig,

I don't want to tell you how to suck eggs :lol: If you are getting advice from one of the sites sponsors, then I'll get my coat...

But for any noob reading the thread, it is always advisable to QT new fish. In this case with Craig's new fish, risk was virtually non-existant.
I think if I had my supplier on my doorstep, I would have more fish too.

H :)

Sun Jul 20, 2008, 08:43 AM
H, please dont misinterpret what ive posted as text has no emotion or expression !

If you are getting advice from one of the sites sponsors, then I'll get my coat...

Im not getting advice from one of the site sponsors on here and your advice has helped me the most so far and i truly appreciate it :D

My Lfs sponsors the club that im involved in here in W.Aus and although he is not a discus expert his quality of fish and tanks are high and he certainly wouldnt sell me anything that he even slightly suspected that something was amiss.

So please once again let me say that your advice and input and the other people that have helped me so far since i joined discus forums has been fantastic and has made me want to become a part of this community and forum !

Cheers :D