View Full Version : Breeding Ethics

Tue Jul 08, 2008, 03:20 AM
Hi..I'm new to the forum. After years of keeping and breeding African Cichlids I've decided to take the plunge and keep discus. Initially I just want to keep a few different types for display, but eventually I will no doubt want to breed them. I currently have 1 6-7cm blue turq (well at least thats what it was sold to me as :scratch ) and I sadly lost my lovely red malboro :cry: (which I think was really a red melon after doing some research). Learning heaps from the great forum though.

Anyway, my question is regarding the ethics of crossbreeding different Discus strains. Coming for an African Cichlid background where crossbreeding is considered taboo I have found it very interesting that people allow 2 different strains of Discus to pair up and produce crossbreeds.

Surely this is to the detriment of maintaining quality bloodlines and strains within the hobby? Or am I being naive in how the Discus world works?
I'd be interested to hear the opinions from those who have kept and bred discus.


Tue Jul 08, 2008, 04:20 AM
depending on the strain, you need to remember that all discus are derived from one of 4 types, browns, blues, greens or heckels.

all domestics are derived from these wild types, and further development caused the hybrids, hence crossing say a snakeskin back to turk is ok as the 2 strains are very close, just like a red spotted green or lepoard back to a red turk or a cobolt with a blue diamond or snakekin.

unlike other fish most discus you buy (99%) are hybrids, so further hybridisation isn't a problem as far as blood lines go you'd have to inbreed for many generatons to get most of the varities we see today, hence the appeal of wild stock, i'd love a nice royal blue to bring some fresh genes into my turk bloodlines.