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View Full Version : Can Discus work in a 45 gallon?

Sat Jun 14, 2008, 01:27 AM
I know discus like to kept in large shoals but was wondering whether or not this would work :D

footprint is 36 by 13 by 23 High works out to 45 gallons
tank is planted but i have no intentions on growing them out small, and will drop the money on big guys around 7"

was just wondering how many i could fit? ive heard people say you can fit 6 in a 55 gallon? or maybe more so i was thinking 4, anything more than that would be a stretch i believe
tankmates will be a shoal of cardinal tets and rummynose
a few bristlenose plec's
also could someone give me a list of Corys compatible for the 86 degree temp necessary for disc's?

Wed Jun 18, 2008, 08:38 AM
I'm planning on doing the same thing! Mine is 36x15x20, so about the same. You should go with 4, they will pick on each other if you have 3 or 2 (not paired), and it's not a good idea to keep just one, because you'll never see it! Should be fine with other tank mates, I have a bristlenose plec too. I'm planning on getting some juvies (around 3 inch). They are cheaper and you get to raise them as well, works well for me. Just make sure to keep up with your water changes, offer good variety of frozen and flake food, should be fine. As for your cories - If you keep your discus at around 28 degrees celcius (30 degrees makes them a bit eratic, discus world says). I like the panda cories, but I rather prefer chinese hillstream loaches, grow to same size, interesting shape and nice pattern. Hope this helps!

Wed Jun 18, 2008, 10:54 AM
4 is a good choice, and so would be keeping at 30 degrees. 28 is on the lower side.

Wed Jun 18, 2008, 11:05 AM
thanks guys
do you know aht 30 degree celcius is in Farenheit? I think its around 85 degrees?
thanks for the confirmation i thought 4 would be number
i was thinking about throwing in smaller loaches Jesx but didnt know they could take high heat
??? i was thinking about stratia botia loach
will be adding a few bristlenose, maybe a group of corys, a school of rummynose and a pair of Apisto's

Wed Jun 18, 2008, 11:23 AM
30 degree Celsius = 86 degree Fahrenheit