View Full Version : how much waterchange after levamisole treatment

Tue Jun 10, 2008, 03:13 AM
Hi all

i've got a couple of questions,
if you follow this treatment regime
1 week levamisole
2 week prazi
3 week prazi
4 week levamisole

how much water do you need to change 24h after adding levamisole. i read 60%,70%,75%..should it just be as much as possible so that you clean out possible worm remaingings & eggs?

also, can you start your prazi treatment quicker, lets say after 3 days instead of waiting for a week?


Tue Jun 10, 2008, 03:51 AM
I've done a prazi treatment after 2 days of levimenisole and it seemed to put the fry off their food.

as for a wc i do minimum 50%, but generally as much as i can manage.

Tue Jun 10, 2008, 04:09 AM
thanks ILLUSN

I'm treating adult fish so i think i might start treating with prazi after 3 days and see how it goes.