View Full Version : moved house with fish in the back of the removerlist truck

Wed Dec 22, 2004, 06:42 PM
Well I had to do it because I don't have a car and my friends didn't think having fish water in there cars wouldn't be nice if it spilt from the storage contanors I had put them in.

It wen't well only lost 8 neons and have my blue rams laying eggs at the moment after 2 days after the move lol.

Wed Dec 22, 2004, 09:37 PM
You will have to tell me your secret as I am about to do the same thing - except mine will have to endure a two hour ride and an overnight stay in thier containers.

Wed Dec 22, 2004, 10:45 PM
Good to here you had a successful move. Moving is stressful.


Sat Dec 25, 2004, 12:00 PM
You will have to tell me your secret as I am about to do the same thing - except mine will have to endure a two hour ride and an overnight stay in thier containers.

Gee thats a tough one mine had a 3hour wait in there containers and when i got them off the truck i had put an air pump with airstones into there continers while the tank was re set up.

Also i had managed to save most of there tank water as well and used that.

Sat Dec 25, 2004, 10:03 PM
thats the trick, save the tank water

so many people throw out the baby with the bath water

congrats, P.S if anyone on the goldie needs thier fish moved in my car i don't care about the water on the floor! just a cold beer at the end of the day