View Full Version : moving to sydney

Fri Jun 06, 2008, 09:17 AM
well in 3 weeks (28 June) i pack my bag and a few boxes and head of to Sydney, leaving the hubby and 4 kids behind in Darwin.

i am sad that i am leaving them but the good thing is i can now buy discus :)

taking a 60l tank with me and will consider getting a bigger one once my accommodation is sorted out (will be in transit accom for 2 months then to a new accomm block

cannot wait to see some of the fish down there

Fri Jun 06, 2008, 12:43 PM
How very very sad

Dangerous Dave
Sat Jun 07, 2008, 02:12 AM
Is this a permanent thing?
Can anybody have their priorities that far out of whack?

Sat Jun 07, 2008, 03:42 AM
yes it is a permanent thing, i am in the Navy, and being transferred to wait for a sea posting, and as we own a hose and hubby is in a good job here in Darwin they will stay up here

Can anybody have their priorities that far out of whack?

what is that suppose to me?

Sat Jun 07, 2008, 04:08 AM
Hi Zoe,

Teh move must be very hard on you , and the family however we all have careers.

I travel 4 days of the week but atleast i get to go home.

Best of luck with the move.

Sat Jun 07, 2008, 06:46 AM
yes it is a permanent thing, i am in the Navy, and being transferred to wait for a sea posting, and as we own a hose and hubby is in a good job here in Darwin they will stay up here

Can anybody have their priorities that far out of whack?

what is that suppose to me?

Oh god, now that makes sense... good luck and I do not envy you at all... The post you did first sounded like you are replacing hubby and kids with fish, and I was like "Oh my god", I even went back and looked at the photo of you and the kids and said 'How can she do that'.. Thanks now I can stop stressing lol.. Good luck, my kids Dad (my ex) was in the Navy it is a very very hard life..

Sat Jun 07, 2008, 06:59 AM
Oh god, now that makes sense... good luck and I do not envy you at all... The post you did first sounded like you are replacing hubby and kids with fish, and I was like "Oh my god", I even went back and looked at the photo of you and the kids and said 'How can she do that'.. Thanks now I can stop stressing lol.. Good luck, my kids Dad (my ex) was in the Navy it is a very very hard life..


i would never replace my kids with fish, well only if the price was right lol

yes i really hate leaving them but hubby is happy here with his job so thats why i will go unaccompanied, i will fry home for a weekend ever 2 months (doesn't sound like much but its better than nothing)

so stop stressing babe :)

Sat Jun 07, 2008, 09:39 AM
You do not need to justify yourself... Was hoping it was something like what you are doing, just the way you worded it, I went OMG... haha, good luck with the move and hopefully they post you back home soon..

Sun Jun 08, 2008, 10:51 AM
Good luck with the move Zoe, and good luck and thanks to all our friends in the services.

You guys and gals do a wonderful job, and we don't tell you often enough.

It can't be easy, being on the move all the time.