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View Full Version : Geo Steindachneri female identification

Mon Jun 02, 2008, 02:37 AM
Hi all

I've read a couple of articles about sexing this geos species but am still a bit confused. I'm hoping someone who keeps or has keept steindachneris for a while will be able to help me.

1. I read that males get two orange/red dots on the side of the lips. Do females have any orange coloring on their lips?

2. does a female get the blueish shimmer on the body?

3. My males have an orange line going along the top of the dorsal fin, do females have that?


Wed Jun 04, 2008, 02:13 AM
Hi Zarmi
I haven't had a huge amount of experience with the steindachneri. I do have 6, two of which are about 9cm long now and I believe them to be male and female. They all have the pink line along the top of their dorsal fin. The male has quite a pink/orange colouring to his big lips. The female doesn't. The male has much brighter metallic spangling to his sides, the female has some sheen but not nearly as much. The male is starting to develop his "hump" colouring. The female has a very small amount of red on the top of her head.

I am sure someone with more experience than me will jump in to correct this if they feel it is inaccurate. At least you have some semblance of an answer.

Cheers and good luck with your red humps, I reckon they are great little fish.
Erica :)