View Full Version : Fry question

Thu May 29, 2008, 07:13 AM
Howdy all, was just wondering if there was a "critical" period within the fry's timeline where they are more likely to die off. I have approx 50fry @4-5weeks since hatching and have lost maybe 7 or 8 since. Is there a period where they tend to die off more easily like through weeks3-5? etc etc. Hope this all makes sense


Thu May 29, 2008, 08:07 AM
There certainly does seem to be a period where this happens IME, and it is called '4 week syndrome'
It can be due to several things, although trying to pinpoint the cause is a hard one to do. I think there are a few trains of thought that vary from fluke infestation to bad genetics, improper care, poor parenting, wrong food, removing from parents too soon and bacterial infection, and that is just for starters.

I think if you are through the '4 week' barrier you are half way there.

I tend to make sure the parent fish are in tip top condition before I want them to spawn, I feed them on good food, and make sure the water conditions and changes are high. I leave the fry with the parents for as long as possible to build their resistance through feeding from the nutrious slime, and I worm the lot at 2 weeks old.

I am sure others will have their methods too.
Good luck with your fry, some pics would be nice to see.

Hollowman :)

Thu May 29, 2008, 11:38 PM
I agree with Hollowman, 4-5 weeks seems to be the die off phase, usually in my tanks the culprit was gill flukes, treating the parents with PP before spawning (in a CLEAN tank) stopped it happening.

Fri May 30, 2008, 08:11 AM
usually in my tanks the culprit was gill flukes, treating the parents with PP before spawning (in a CLEAN tank) stopped it happening.

Yes, PP is a good idea Illusn. It's all in the preparation I think, minimise the risks before they turn on you. :)


Sat May 31, 2008, 02:06 AM
I have treated 4-5 week old babies with PP when I notice that they are breathing very fast or you have lost a couple in a short space of time.... mind you be very careful with dosage and always watch their reaction when you put them in it. But the best way is to do the parents before they spawn as has been said.

Sat May 31, 2008, 03:57 AM
hi there i agree dont know exactly what causes fry loss but i tend to lose fry at that age too and all i put it down to is the weak ones die and the stronger ones live, might also have to do with some of the fry not transitioning onto fish food from the parents natural slime i work on a deadloss of 20%. i use baby brine in small amounts 2 times a day in the 3-5 week mark to start the lil buggers feeding they love it . i am no expert but i have had sucess doing it this way! best of luck it is so rewarding to say to yourself i bred and raised those fish!even if you do lose fry from time to time. P.s have a few nice healthy babies im starting to sell on and it has taken a huge effort and lots and lots of trials and errors to get this far and im tipping plenty more errors to come hahaha but they are such a fantastic challenge! :D

Sun Jun 01, 2008, 10:11 AM
thanks for all the prompt replies guys, i gave the fry a dose of tapeworm and fluke tablets so fingers crossed. What does PP stand for anyways?


Mon Jun 02, 2008, 07:20 AM
POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE, but please take advice before using. :)