View Full Version : leaving fry with parents

Thu May 22, 2008, 03:13 AM
fry have been swimming for about 5 hours now ,how long should i leave them with the parents as they are in a community tank ( ive already removed another pair - to much fighting going on ) and what should i feed them

Thu May 22, 2008, 06:10 AM
Hi Dan23

Leave the fry with the folks for as long as possible. This will be weeks, not hours/days. The longer the better. Once the parents get a bit annoyed or it looks like the fry is eating too much of the slime coat for the parents to be comfortable - then remove the fry into a grow out tank.

The fry should be attaching onto the parents. Lower the water if they cant attach on - they might not be able to find the parents. A little desk lamp will help with the dark nights.

Keep up lots of water changes - daily.

What size tank is it? What type of discus are they? Pigeon bloods/pigeon blood lines like marlboros etc have a hell of a time with fry. They can't darken and loose the fry easily.

Thu May 22, 2008, 08:47 AM
the tank is 4ftx2ft and the are blue snake skins got home after being out all afternoon i cant see the fry anywhere

Thu May 22, 2008, 10:24 PM
yeah the snakeskins wont have the pigeon problem. How old are the parents?

Could be a number of things from the fry getting lost and starving to the parents not being experienced to protozan killing the fry.

What setup is the 4x2 - planted community tank, what sort of filtration do you have? Whats your W/C regime? Do you have a UVC/UVS?

If they are new parents, lets them spwan a few times. They need a few practice runs to get it right - with the right help from you.

If they are mature parents then it could be a number of the things listed above. Lower water level in that tank will help the fry attach to the parents. Keep the water clean and add a UV which will reduce protozan in the water.

Feed live baby brine shrimp around week 2.


Thu May 22, 2008, 10:53 PM
i was told they are around 12 months old it is a community tank with another breeding pair (blue turqs) and a couple of clown loaches, i do 3rd water changes daily when im home and my wife does it very couple of days while im away at work ( work away from home 7 days on 7 days off) the filter is a canister aquaone1200 and 2 sponge filters and an air stone it has some plants and wood but not much also i dont have a uv set up. they may have lost them as it looks like they are getting ready to spawn again also i put some newer wood in while i was away and when i got back it looked like some one through a jar of coffee in it how do i get rid of the tannis or should it go away by the water changes also what is protozan

Thu May 22, 2008, 11:01 PM
Yeah, i dont think i have ever heard of discus fry surviving in a planted community tank. If they dont gaurd them well then they will either get lost of become food. When my old turks spawned in the community tank the fry lasted about 2 days after hatching.

If you want to give it a go, put them in a 2ft BB tank with a cycled sponge filter, heated to 30.

Have a read of the posts in this segment about this - your not alone. You will get some tips too.

Good luck with it mate. Keep us posted! :)

Thu May 22, 2008, 11:06 PM
i have a pair i bought of matt15 in a bb 2ft and the male seems more interested in looking at his own reflection than doing his job