View Full Version : Apisto Problem

Tue May 20, 2008, 09:02 PM
I believe Noddy 65 resides here & is also a breeder of Apistogrammas

I have recently placed 4 Apistogramma Trifasciatums into a holding tank to mature and settle down (quarantine) before they are released into a larger environment. I have just discovered one (2cm) of these is upside down and while making occasional attempts to right itself is cannot. The local fish-vet specialists are not available until tomorrow so I seek your advice on what measures I may take to assist the fish. water parameters are fine, no ammonia, no nitrite and barely measurable nitrate. Temp holding steady at 26 but.....a newly installed (& faulty) heater did allow the temp to drop to 15 for a period a week ago.

Any advice greatly appreciated

Fri May 23, 2008, 07:38 PM
neurological issue or swimbladder problems

correct theory involves radiography to look at swim bladder placement

neuro problems more likely toxin then infections allowed to develop with chilling and suppressed immunity

seperate the fish and expect to lose him

low water levels may allow less energy wastage in struggling to right himself
smooth bottoms to stop physical abrasion if negatively buoyant
carbon/polyfilter as possible toxin adsorbent

i would be interested in the specialist opinions