View Full Version : Dark discus

Mon May 12, 2008, 10:31 PM
Hi all,

One of my discus has been a bit dodgy for a while now. A few weeks back he had what I suspected to be flagellates and I managed to make him better with metro.

For the last couple of days he's been very dark and is very skittish. I just tried to take a photo but he is scared of me which is not normal... I don't think he's eating very well... he used to fill his belly with food till it bulged (like the rest of my greedy fishes) but that hasn't happened since before I treated for flagellates - about 6 weeks ago.

I plan to move him into a quaranteen tonight, but not really sure what to medicate for. I was thinking of starting with some epson salts to see if he passed any paracites...

PH 6.4
Amonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate < 10
Temp 31 oC

He has 4 other tank mates who are eating well and showing good colour.

What should I do?

Tue May 13, 2008, 07:38 AM

Tue May 13, 2008, 08:18 AM
I've had absolutely NO luck with this same problem. Even on other discus forums many members post simular problems with no real specific cause or reason.
And the advice offered for treatment is usually the same. I've lost a few myself after using such treatments has Prazi and Metro.

All I can say mate is GL with the little guy and fingers crossed he gets better soon. Maybe somebody can enlighten the both of us on this problem.

Tue May 13, 2008, 09:15 AM
I have managed to get a picture.. I am also attaching a picture of him when he was healthy..

I have noticed a pin prick sized hole in his anal fin.

He lightens up a little when I approach but is generally totally black.

I'm not sure whether on not to just leave him be and keep up the water changes. It might stress him further if I quaranteen him....

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 06:54 AM
To quarentine your fish may not be a very good idea, it may stress him further as you rightly feel. Rather, a lot of regular water changes would boost up the tank, and I am sure things will get back to good for your fish.

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 06:59 AM
2nd thought.. why not add a bit of Blackwater Extract ? They are very good for Discus.

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 07:09 AM
Yeh Robert he doesn't look very good at all mate.
I've left things take there course before with this and they kept going downhill.
I've also removed the fish to a Q tank and started treatment with metro and that also didn't help.
I really don't have any suggestions and believe its got something to do with the fishes immune system and the way it fights/deals with bacterial infections. One of those things you really need to catch in the early stages and treat ASAP.

Maybe Scott, Andrew, Merrilyn, Jothy or Hollowman can shead some light?

GL with him mate... :wink:

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 07:35 AM
I wouldn't be adding any medications to that fish, there appears to be some slight clouding of the eye but he's holding his fins up nice and he doesn't seem to be loosing weight.

I'd stick him in a quarentine tank on his own, do daily water changes, keep offering a variety of foods as often as you can.

I'd set your temp at 30c and bring your ph down to the 5.0 - 5.5 mark just to stop any bugs getting the upper hand on him, some indian almond leaf wouldnt go a stray and will help to relax him a little, give him a few weeks in a tank like that to get his appitite back and i'm sure he'll come good.

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 07:36 AM
Great advice Illusn, appreciate how you deal with issues :-)

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 07:44 AM
Thanks for the advice everyone, but this is an old post and the fish died some time back...

RIP Leopard :(

Tue Jun 17, 2008, 07:45 AM
So sorry to hear that my friend, I am sure you tried your best for everything.