View Full Version : challenging stage

Sat Apr 26, 2008, 09:50 AM

have two great discus, full bodied, have survived all the other issues in the tank but now need some help.

had a blue green algea problem, and posibly a fluke issue, been following the instructions from the LFS but now not so sure.

HAve a big case of black beard algea, but never really been a prob.

dosed the tank with a anti-biotic to rid the blue green algea....worked

dosed the tank with a fluke anitbiotic...all from LFS not vet...

now my pride and joy is hiding out big time...but under the anubis that has black algea issue...dont wont to remove and treat the plant while he is taking refuge....cos every time i play with the tank the fish don t like it..have lost discus previously from mucking around in there..

might be overreacting, but not sure whether to let the anti do its course or just water change..

obviuosly water changes solve everything but just thought id ask for some help....

pride and joy discus has some white pimple spots on him...but he is normally the dominant one....


Sat Apr 26, 2008, 02:17 PM
what drug did you use for flukes? overdoses of prazi have done this to my fish, they recover after a few good water changes.

Sun Apr 27, 2008, 11:17 PM
it was para-cide?

doing a big water change tonight, hope that helps....not sure whether to try and treat again tho.....although my discus spots dont seem to be getting better at all.....