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View Full Version : discus names i am lost

jim from sydney
Wed Dec 15, 2004, 01:00 AM
Hi All experts

now as i am new to discusss i can be excused for asking silly questions...i am glad you agree.
I am lost with the names for discus.....how are these determined.....i have looked everywhere on the web and cannot find the basic fish shapes or whatever i need to look for, to determine a type/name of discus.
most tell me there are the basic 4 types and the rest is a deriviation from these......but even within these basic 4 types it is diffucult ....so how does one do this naming bit??????????????? :?: :?: :?:

Wed Dec 15, 2004, 03:14 AM
The naming is a bit all over the place. I saw a few fish on the weekend called 'Oriental dream discus'. I'm not sure what mind expanding substances were used when coming up with that one. I'd call them red spotted snakes.

I bought my 'Moody Red Snakeskins' from a LFS (see my post in the photo album section). They where labelled 'Brown Discus' I got them at a steal and I knew what they were. At SLS they have fish that are practically the same called 'San Merah'. I've also seen very similar called 'tomato red' and 'rose red'.

I also bought a pair of golden pidgeons, 1 was a snake. They were labelled 'pidgeons'.

Not that this really helps you a lot but just goes to show the variation out there.

Wed Dec 15, 2004, 03:46 AM
I call mine Frank and Bruce. I had an Andrew but he died

Wed Dec 15, 2004, 09:53 AM
There is a book just published (as yet, not officially released) which carefully cronographs the development of modern discus strains. It details how each base coloured fish was developed and the ensuing names to all fish which are technically the same.

Basically goes into detail about what was crossed with what and worked how many generations to perfect the line. Also details the discovery of mutations in discus.

There are over 600 photographs and yearly updates which can be added as each new strain is developed over the years to come.

Book is written by Martin Ng, (Former Malaysian discus club president, discus show judge and breeder) together with extensive help from discus breeders in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand (where most of the new strains have originated).

The book will be officially released intenationally in Jan.

SLS is the Australian distributor.

We will have some pre-release books on offer this weekend. :wink:

(The webpage is yet incomplete but will be soon before the official release).

This is the DEFINITIVE Discus Catalogue. A MUST own for every serious discus hobbyist and this will clear the muddied waters of all these "names".


Wed Dec 15, 2004, 01:57 PM
that book sounds great...might see if i can get my hands on a copy...

jim from sydney
Wed Dec 15, 2004, 11:40 PM
Kevkoi.......any idea on cost of the books?????

also i believe you are the man for discus purchase?????

i am after a pure yellow (small to reduce my budget), what , if any do you have in stock???? Jim.

Wed Dec 15, 2004, 11:48 PM
Book cost is $90. Quite good considering the number of glossy photos and lots of information never before published.

Drop in to SLS on Sat/Sun.

Wed Dec 15, 2004, 11:49 PM
how many copies of that do yuo have Kev?

I will be calling in over the break and wouldnt mind a copy

Wed Dec 15, 2004, 11:52 PM
Have a total of 20 copies atm.

Wed Dec 15, 2004, 11:58 PM
Thanks Kev, I'll have a look when I'm in there

jim from sydney
Thu Dec 16, 2004, 03:11 AM
Book cost is $90. Quite good considering the number of glossy photos and lots of information never before published.

Drop in to SLS on Sat/Sun.

will drop-in sat about 12.30 thanks Kev.

Thu Dec 16, 2004, 06:33 AM
Hello Kev:

I'm too interested in possessing that book... :)
Unfortunately, I'm located too far to visit you... :(
I even don't know how can I send you $90... :(

But, pls let me know if you can reserve a copy for me and send it across through mail... :D

Thanks and Regards,

Thu Dec 16, 2004, 06:37 AM
Sorry, uploading problem...

Thu Dec 16, 2004, 06:49 AM

Thu Dec 16, 2004, 07:26 AM
These will be listed on Amazon.com sometime in Feb/Mar for about the same price (US$69) I have it at.

Alternatively, I can find out the distributor (if there even is a distributor yet) in India is and send u the details.

Thu Dec 16, 2004, 07:58 AM
That'd be really great!