View Full Version : Which Discus strains good for beginners? Where to get them?

Thu Apr 10, 2008, 02:47 AM

About a year ago samir advised me to start with some cheap discus to get some, hands on practice and experience. This before laying out money for the more expensive Quality fish out there.

I am now ready to take that step after everythiong was put on hold for family reasons.

Which strains would you recommend? Also do you know where they are available. ie Breeders or reputable shops out Blacktown/Penrith way. I actually live near Richmond.

I must admit I do have a preference for Blue strains and alenquers.

I presume to keep the cost down I could buy some with minor deformities from local breeders. They will still get excellent care as I get attached to my fish. My aim being to grow them to adult size and keep them happy and healthy.

Your thoughts greatly appreciated.

Thanks Martin

Thu Apr 10, 2008, 02:50 AM
Just realised can't edit my post.

Forgot to mention tank is 112x50 x50. Approx 250-260 litres.


Thu Apr 10, 2008, 11:16 AM
Martin the best quality discus I have found here in Brisbane for a $30 price tag was from a local breeder.

Otherwise there are a few reasons discus are cheaper at your LFS. The cheapest being around $40-50.
- Its of a common strain i.e. blue diamond, rose red, cobalt, turq
- The fish has/is been sick
- Stunted
- Has been sitting in the shop for along time
- Peppering (although some fish keepers see this as character)

Have a chat to samir and ask what local breeders or reputable shops are in your area. I'd also highly recommend you have alook at our sponsors.

Thu Apr 10, 2008, 12:11 PM

In my opinion, the worst way to start is by buying low quality lfs discus. They will be mostly stunted, which means they wont grow properly, they will be odd in shape, like a rugby ball, or they will be sick and die on you.

Not a great start to discus keeping.

I my experience, I have found that Pigeon Blood strains are pretty bullet proof. Others might agree with me (or not) but I have seen them out last many others over the years, and have never lost any to sickness (touch wood) so far.

Look at the sponsors here, they will have good high quality fish that you can grow out, and be proud of. Not sure on prices in Austrailia, you will have to be guided by others there. Here in the UK we can get both Asian and Stendker fish at the 3'' size for £20-25.

Do not buy cheap, you will regret it in the long run.



Thu Apr 10, 2008, 12:53 PM
Here in the UK we can get both Asian and Stendker fish at the 3'' size for £20-25.

Do not buy cheap, you will regret it in the long run.



here in Australia we get one quality of fish. the cheap strains are the turks, common pigeons etc and the expensive are the albinos , leopard snakes rgd's. the quality of all strains are more or less the same. your fish are not available here.

Martin, you might find blue diamonds relatively cheap if you look around, just make sure they are not stunted,deformed or sick. you know by now how to pick out healthy discus. Avoid the shops that have loads of dark sick fish. I've seen very good fish for $20 or so and absolute cr@p for $350 (wild caught rio ica with no striations)

Thu Apr 10, 2008, 01:56 PM

You cant get Stendker discus??

Also how do you mean you only get one standard of fish?
