View Full Version : How many discus in the 265G?

Tue Mar 11, 2008, 12:47 AM
Just upgraded my discus tank from 90G to 265G. The dimensions are 7' by 2' by 30". I currently have 8 discus and whole bunch of other small (tetras) and medium sized (dwarf cichlids and clown loaches) fish.

The tank definitely has space for more discus. What would be the ideal number? The 90G looked really crowded with 8 discus in it, and I don't want that crowded look. I think the tank actually looks pretty good and not sure whether to get more discus or not. I have a good source where I can get several adult discus for real good price. I originally planned on getting 10 more, but that was before I upgraded. Now, I think adding 10 more would make the tank look very crowded. Any thoughts? How many discus do some of you keep in large tanks?

Tue Mar 11, 2008, 01:36 AM
I like 12 fish in a 650L but 9 is MUCH easier to mannage (damn planted tank).

if you dont mind work and arnt too adventerous with your aquascaping you could comfortably stock 20.

Wed Mar 12, 2008, 12:20 PM
My aquascape is not too crazy. I don't think ... :D A couple of big rocks in the middle , a decent size pile of driftwoods in the left center, and plants in the back and two sides. Lot's of room for swimming around. This is a 265G tank and ideally I would like to do 30% water change every 4 days or so. What do you think? I am picking up a few adult discus on Sunday and I need to decide how many, if at all.

Wed Mar 12, 2008, 01:02 PM
so long as you can keep it clean without having to tear it down every water change you'll be fine.

go with 12 to start with and add more later as some take your fancy

Mon Mar 17, 2008, 12:12 PM
Here is my current stocking list and the pic of what the tank looks like. Not very happy with the water clarity, so I am adding one more filter (Fluval 405). I currently have FX5 and XP4.

8 Discus - picking up 4 to 6 more adults soon
50 cardinals (added 20 more)
16 rummy nose
6 congos (new)
6 Red Pencil fish (new)
2 Serpaes
2 bosemani rainbows
1 Precox rainbow
5 clown loaches
5 albino cories
6 otos (new - getting 6 more next week)
1 Clown pleco (which I never see)
1 apisto (male died two days after the move )
1 German Ram
1 Geo Red hump
1 male beta
