View Full Version : Smaller Discus - should I separate

Wed Feb 20, 2008, 05:51 AM
Not sure what to do with a smaller discus I recently bought. Hes in the community tank with the other guys, but I've bee reading here some posts that say a smaller discus in with the bigger guys, may not get his fair share of food & eventually may become stunted.

He is only one that is so much smaller. I could move him into a 2 footer that only has a trio of apistos, but that means he'll have no discus buddies :cry: That's not good either, is it.

So what would be the best choice for him. To leave him where he is, or put him on his own till he's grown somewhat bigger?

Thanks in advance.

the german
Wed Feb 20, 2008, 06:01 AM
just make sure he gets enough food mate,then he is ok where he is.
alone in a 2ft wouldnt be very good for him :?

Wed Feb 20, 2008, 06:09 AM
I have the same situation, I have four discus, one is so much smaller than the others and I have a real soft spot for him, his so cute! But he has no issues with food at all, he is a real little piggy and gets his fair share, being smaller than the others he can also get into the smaller spaces in the tank and he also seems to be the quickest mover :wink:

Wed Feb 20, 2008, 07:07 AM
Yeh.... gotta leave him with the others and do as German said. Keep an eye on him at feeding time. There are lots of feeding stategies to help those who are weak or get bullied.

Wed Feb 20, 2008, 08:49 AM
ok, thanks guys. I'll leave him where he is & make it as easy as possible for him to get his share.


Tue Feb 26, 2008, 07:53 PM
I would buy a couple more smaller ones like him, Thats what i did when I bought some smaller than what i had. No Problems!