View Full Version : Got some new discus

Fri Feb 15, 2008, 12:57 AM
Hey all howsd it going?? I acquired some new discus im very pleased with i bought a little pidgeon blood not sure if its a pearl, And a little snakeskin 25 for the pidgeon and 35 for the snakeskin they are about 2 inches maybe a little smaller, Im seeing hints of their colors and markings, Cant wait to see them as adults, I got rid of one of my angel fish and 2 of my gouramis to make some room for these little treasures. I have a quetion is it smart to keep babies with full grown?? I know the water changes must be alot and im prepared for that. The little guys are doing great,eating like pigs and they are all around the tank,Not scared at all. A few of the older discus occasionally will chase them around but nothing too bad. Check out these pictures

Fri Feb 15, 2008, 12:14 PM
Hey Joe, any chance you could post up some clearer pics mate. I love seeing new fish....:)

Sat Feb 16, 2008, 10:57 PM
Its really tough,I run my air bubbles through my powerhead so its got quite a dispersement, Ill see what i can do though
