View Full Version : breeding at young age

Wed Feb 13, 2008, 11:08 AM
hi. i hav recently just had a batch of eggs that were eaten by wot i think was the male of my pair(unsure if its male or female) the eggs didnt last long. i watched the hole process. both cleaned the driftwood and then female layed eggs but the other just stayed near and then eventually ate the eggs, pushing the female out of the way to get to them without even fertilising them. it was there first time so i expected no babies. to read more about this you should go to the post called "are they breeding???"

anyway the discus, i am not sure how old they are. i hav had 1 for 2.25 years and the other 2 for atleast 8months. the two younger ones erehte ones that layed the eggs. they are about 11-13cm. the one i hav had longest would be 14-15ish cm(guess for all).

i understand they are a pair of young discus and i would like for them to get good and raise many batches of fry. however i am not sure if i should try to grow them up first before hand to really get their colours showing and the size bigger.

i am currently designing to make a rack for them to go into. the rack will be made from 25mm tube metal. it will be 3tier high with one 2ftx12inx16in on each level. it will be finished by about the middle of this year.

should i wait and not try get them to try get the hang of breeding in the community tank or should i let them breed and try to raise the eggs and protect them from other fish so that by the time the rack is finnished they can go in?

i would love them to get more colour and bigger but i dont even know if i hav a male female pair. i know i hav a female because i got eggs and i know hoo layed them but i dont know if her mate is male or female. i will post up pics soon of these fish. but at the same time i would love to see if i can get a pair and get some fertilised eggs and maybe even some freeswimmers.

wot would you do?

is there a way i can get a few batches of eggs and te parents protect them and get them to grow at the same time? like just hav large breaks between eggs? will the male(if it is one) still grow because he wouldnt be making all the eggs? wot would produce better fry in the future and more of them? will the female still grow if she is producing eggs?

if i was to try get them bigger and more colourful could i expect much change in 5months?(give them a month to get bak into breeding and protecting eggs).

also for a young pair, wot is the best way to try get a male to actually try to fertilise the eggs? i hav heard the males take longer to develop and somtimes they need help to know that they need to fertilise the eggs.

btw the female is the smallest discus i hav. it produced about 100+ eggs but they were all eaten with no effort by the (fingers crossed) male.

if i was to try stop them from breeding and focus on growing and enhancing colour, wot would i need to do to get optimun results?

so my questions are:
1)wot would you do?
2)is there a way i can get a few batches of eggs and te parents protect them and get them to grow at the same time?like just hav large breaks between eggs?
3) will the male(if it is one) still grow because he wouldnt be making all the eggs?
4)if i was to try get them bigger and more colourful could i expect much change in 5months?(give them a month to get bak into breeding and protecting eggs).
5) for a young pair, wot is the best way to try get a male to actually try to fertilise the eggs?
6)if i was to try stop them from breeding and focus on growing and enhancing colour, wot would i need to do to get optimun results?
7) will try stopping them from breeeding cause problems trying to get them to breed later?

i am sorry to hav such a long post and appreciate the time and info that people give me. thanx again
any and ALL help is very much appreciated!

Wed Feb 13, 2008, 10:37 PM
if your sure they are a pair throw them into a 2x1.5x1.5 or similar sized tank and see how they go, I'd leave them untill you actually see the male fertilizing the eggs.

discus are cold blooded and keep growing till they die, however thier growth rate slows dramaticly after 2 years old, feed them as often as you can and keep the water super clean, males will always be bigger then females.

you could seperate the pair to fatten them up but I'd leave them and give them more practice at fertilizing the eggs.

there isn't much you can do to increase fertility, try extra vitamins in the food (fishtamins by sera or promore from norto). to enhance the colour get onto some breeders blend flack from MAC or some anthaxin powder and add that to their food.

the german
Wed Feb 13, 2008, 11:36 PM
the grow rate will also slow down(esp.the female)when they start breeding.i dont like to let discus breed before they at least 15-18 month old.
hey samir you will say they are already retirement age :lol:

Thu Feb 14, 2008, 06:05 AM
here is a pic of the some of the eggs.there wood be more there if the unknown sex discus wasnt eating them all the time. the female would lay 20-50eggs and then the naughty discus cam and ate them and then stood by till more were laid and then did this again and again. the female is just above them:
here is the male( i hope) wot sex do u think it is? male or female?
here is another one same as above
here is the third discus. it was taken a while ago so i will get updates soon do u think it is male or female?
and here is the community tank

wot do u think? do u think the second and third picture are male or female?(they are the same discus just different shots). and do u thibnk the 4th is male or female?
i will post pics of the third discus and the whole body of the female probobly tomorrow or maybe tonight. ill see how i go. i still need to get the pics.

thanx all for all your help.

Thu Feb 14, 2008, 06:30 AM
VERY HARD to tell for sure without seeing the breeding tubes, I'd guess the 1st unknown is a male, my the elongation of the fins as they meet the tail.

I'd guess your other fish is also a male due to the broadness of the forhead.

but again this is best guess only.

Thu Feb 14, 2008, 06:43 AM
thanx for the fast reply! thanx for the guess too. i know it is extremely hard to tell wot sex a discus is and there is no real 100% way to know unless you see the tubes but thanx. i hav always thought that the female was female and the other 2 were male but thats commin from som1 who has only just had a spawn:P but now i hav som1 thinking the same. good wrk guys. any other guesses? all feedbak is much appreciated!!
thanx again

Mon Feb 18, 2008, 09:02 AM
they are doin it again. no eggs as of yet but the males(well of what has been guessed so far) had a fight and now alot of cleaning is goin on and the younger male seems to be pecking the tube of the females every so often. if this normal? hope we can get some eggs last a day or more and if they were fertilised itd be great! i hav turned the filters of to keep the water still. the females tube is out but the males(guess) isnt