View Full Version : Fungus?? Please help I'm new to discus!

Tue Feb 12, 2008, 08:43 AM
hello, I really need some advice!

I have a 55 gallon (fully matured, nitrates/nitrites/ammonia all at the lowest levels my test kit can show) tank with 5 discus, 4 corys and 2 ottos.

After seeming fine for a few weeks two of the discus have suddenly become sick - the blue diamond is very dark and hiding, not like him at all, and the tangerine has clamped fins and cottony growths on the fins.

I know the tangerine doesnt have ich, as Ive treated that before with my other fish, but I dont know whether its a fungal or bacterial infection and how to treat it - any suggestions? So far Ive done large water changes (the normal routine is 20% 3x a week).

Do I need to raise the temp/use medication? Will this harm the corys or ottos?

thanks so much!! :)