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Fri Dec 03, 2004, 04:23 AM
i wanted to give my plants a bit of a booster by adding some liquid plant food to my tanks. i used Aqua Master Plant Food.

it's a liquid fertiliser i guess.

has anyone had any experience with this brand or any other plant food?

Fri Dec 03, 2004, 04:37 AM
I have had good results with the seachem product.

Also something to consider is,"Poor Mans Dosing Drops", which is a DIY concoction.

Sat Dec 04, 2004, 08:42 AM
do some searching and you will find the best N:P:K ration, most will include traces of IRON and magnesium

the cheapest place to buy it is from your local hydroponics shop

it is even cheaper to use the "Poor mans doseing drops" like werid said

it will lack some trace elemnts though, you will get some diffecencys and you will need to get a trace element mix going. this is where the hydro shops work.

they also have some of the best knowlege in lighting for plant growth, (due to alot of sales they have with "alternative" people growing indoor plants)