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View Full Version : Fussy Eater

Gone Fishing
Sun Feb 03, 2008, 12:08 PM
Hi all,
Please help!
My small golden 5-6cm discus will only eat live black worms he has always been that way and I refuse to keep buying him more blackworms. :x The other discus, loaches, congo tetra, and bristlenose catfish are in perfect health and eat anything.

I was told about some sort of prescription drug used to overcome this, and after treatment, then they will eat anything out of your hand, :D but what is it and how do I get it?

kind fishy regards

Mon Feb 04, 2008, 04:56 AM
I think the best "natural" drug for you fish is called persistence.
If they are hungry and you give them time..... they will eat.

Have you tried Mal's freeze dried blackworms?

Alot of people here highly endorse Mal's product :D

Mon Feb 04, 2008, 06:44 AM
I have to agree with Gone Fishing try the freeze dries blackworms my fish go nuts for them. Also maybe you will have to let your fish get hungry and then try the new food. Only feed them the new food first thing in the morning if they do not eat it try a little bit more later in the day and again at night. After a day or two they will be hungry enough to try what ever you put in the tank.

Gone Fishing
Wed Feb 06, 2008, 11:04 AM
Thanks I'll give it a go!!

Many fishy regards