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View Full Version : Too much filtration?

Sat Jan 26, 2008, 08:10 AM
I was wondering, is there such thing as too much filtration? Because I used to have an Aquaone Aquis 700, with 2litres of Seachem Matrix and Sponge. Still get lots of debris trapped on leaves, so added an Aquaone Aquis 1200 with 4 litres of Seachem Matrix, 100g of Seachem purigen, Seachem carbon and Sponge.

Its only for a 50cm cube which is 125ltrs. Water is currently filled half way with plants growing through the water line and blooming.

Do you think this is too much filtration? And what else can I add in the filter to make better water to spawn L066 Trio?

Mango 8-)

Sat Jan 26, 2008, 01:23 PM
no such thing as over filtration. if current is a problem for the fish, aim the output towards the glass.

i dont think there is much you can do to improve your setup, maybe try a bigger tank to induce the spawn.

Sun Jan 27, 2008, 02:49 PM
Massive ...massive ...massive current is fine for 66's... and warm warm warm ....29-30c

Mon Jan 28, 2008, 12:09 AM
Thanks :)

Fri Feb 15, 2008, 09:58 AM
To spawn try soaking some wood in rain water till tannins show, then add the water to your tank and raise temperature by a couple of degrees. This imitates what happens in the wild and maybe make a difference.