View Full Version : Help.. Nitrite High

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 09:04 AM
I have been waiting on some delivery of Prime for the last couple days, I have just got home from work and it has still not arrived.. I have chucked a complete nana and need some help! I have had a high Nitrite reading for a couple days now, it is purple. I have done 40% water changes for the last three days, added rock salt to the water and cut way back on feeding and ordered some Prime on Monday, express overnight service, and it has still not arrived and now im angry and extremely worried for my discus. Can anyone please offer some suggestions as to what I can do, apart from rip shreds off the company I bought the Prime from :evil:
No aquarium around me stocks Prime and the one that does is 40 mins away and closed at 6pm.. Please help!

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 10:14 AM
I have also just noticed that two of my discus have a single white spot on the top of their fin, the other two are fine. Would this have anything to do with the high nitrate levels? Ammonia is 0, Ph is 6.8 Temp is 29.5 nitrite is PURPLE :?
Any ideas on the white spots? They are not rubbing themselves on anything in the tank and they are all eating fine..

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 10:18 AM
Sorry I meant NITRITE not nitrate! Closer inspection of one of my other discus, he has a tiny little white spot too, in the top of his fin, one of the others with the white spot, has a split in his fin where the white spot is..

Mr Discus
Thu Jan 17, 2008, 10:23 AM
White spots I can't help you on - can't really comment without pics really.

As far as what you can do - I think what you are already doing is pretty much everything that I would be doing anyway, I'm not really sure that there is much more you can do.

If your Discus are active and still eating then I think they will be okay and hang in there for the long haul. It is normal to be worried and stressing out over what is happening!

I would just say keep doing what you are doing until the Prime gets there. Not sure if I have been much help but hang in there!

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 10:24 AM
the white spots come and go with stress, the water quality oriblem will be causing this, keep up the changes, keep up the salt, you'll just have to push through the N)2 problem till the filter bacteria get established.

if you wre in syd I'g give you some established filter media to help out.

Any melboune members got any to spare?

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 10:38 AM
Thanks heaps for the help :wink:
Yes they all appear to be happy and they are definitely eating. Merrilyn has already offered me some filter media :angel
hubby is going to drop by aquarium tomorrow and get some off them as they are close by.
How much salt in total should I be adding to the water.. I have been adding 1 tsp per 40 litres and a little bit to any water changes I do.. is this correct??

Thu Jan 17, 2008, 10:43 AM
I'd add more cause of the NO2 I'd personally go 2tsp/40L and build up to 3.

Becareful with aquarium shop used media, it can carry diseases which will hurt your fish BAD if the water quality is off.

still i guess its better then NO2 poisoining.

Fri Jan 18, 2008, 12:18 AM
Finally got the Prime.. Just did a 40% water change and added the Prime at 3x dose. What should I do now? Should I add more salt since I did a water change? When should I add more Prime and how much?
All fish are eating and seem fine...

Fri Jan 18, 2008, 12:47 AM
just do daily 30% WC's with prime dosage 2 x the whole tanks volume.
You'll be fine

the german
Fri Jan 18, 2008, 12:56 AM
the withe spots in the fins can come from nitrite.

Fri Jan 18, 2008, 12:59 AM
thanks for the help :wink:

Sun Jan 20, 2008, 07:14 AM
Quick update.. I have continued with the 30% water changes, Prime & got some mature filter media. The Nitrite is diminishing everyday and all our fish are doing really well :wink: The white spots have also disappeared :)

Mr Discus
Sun Jan 20, 2008, 09:58 AM
Great news Tracey - glad to hear they all pulled through for you.

Be sure to post some pics up once all the parameters have levelled out and everyone is happy and healthy.

Sun Jan 20, 2008, 12:01 PM
hi there can i suggest that u drop your ph to 6.0 as it will slightly lessen the toxicity of any ammonia or nitrite compared to a ph of 6.8 and yes definetly lots of water changing and dbl dose ya prime when the blasted bottle arrives!!
good luck i hope thinks work out!!

P.S all will have some new pics for everyone to see soon ! :D

Tue Jan 22, 2008, 06:07 AM
Cycle land is here!
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10

Now the only thing is my ph seems to have risen, it is now sitting on 7.4. I tested my tap water, it is 7.0.. any recommendations as to how to stabilise the ph instead of adding Ph down all the time??

Thanks to everyone, especially ILLUSN for helping me out!

Tue Jan 22, 2008, 06:35 AM
hi there i could suggest a co2 system that might help although i dont use them as i have glass bottom tanks that regulate at 6.0 quiet well from my experience my tanks tend to cycle very slowly down on ph.
illusin and merryn know there stuff suggest you talk to 1 of them they offer gr8 advise

keep us posted
regards locksmith :D

Tue Jan 22, 2008, 06:36 AM
hi there i could suggest a co2 system that might help although i dont use them as i have glass bottom tanks that regulate at 6.0 quiet well from my experience my tanks tend to cycle very slowly down on ph.
illusin and merryn know there stuff suggest you talk to 1 of them they offer gr8 advise

keep us posted
regards locksmith :D