View Full Version : Interested in opinions

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 03:08 AM
Howdy folks from the sunniest state of Australia (though not today). Im not really asking a question but I am interested to hear opinions on what I have and what u would do.

Plus a few questions at the end ...

I have;

1 large marlboro red
1 medium - large snow leopard
1 large blue turk
1 med alen interm
1 large checkerboard
1 medium checkerboard
1 large F1 green
1 medium F1 green
1 medium blue diamond (slightly stunted at 18 months due to previous owner keeping in too small an aquarium)
1 small - medium blue diamond
1 small blue diamond
7 small red melons (2 sources though 4 bloodlines)

All these fish hand feed especially the marlboro red who will swim into ones hand and put her pectorals forward for a stroke - outstanding!


375 litres
72" * 14" * 18"


synthetic plants
bare bottom
3 breeding cones


Ph 5.5 - 6.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 10
Discus geoliquid used
Conditioner for chlorine and ammonia used


50% water changes twice a week
Removal of detritus twice a day from bottom


Bloodworms - frozen and dried
frozen brine
frozen beefheart
frozen cichlid meal

I feed three to four times a day small amounts


2 - 3 more blue diamonds
diamond and melons only tanks when bigger


What do you think of this setup? At present all healthy and cheaper keeping all together.

Would you seperate melons and diamonds now or later?

Why does the marlboro red often chase the snow leopard away?

Does paler colouring on red melons lean towards male?

Would you offload the odds and sods (not the MR - how could I?)?

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 04:35 AM
1. I would not add anymore fish to that system.

2. if you have another tank you could seperate them now to lower the load on your system.

3. discus are ciclids, they will get a little aggro towards each other as they set up their pecking order.

4. usually the more intense reds are the females.

5.in all honesty I'd be looking for a 650L tank minimum to house that many fish to a healthy adult size, I'd start moving out the less desirables and putting your energy into the better fish.

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 07:46 AM
1. I would not add anymore fish to that system.

2. if you have another tank you could seperate them now to lower the load on your system.

3. discus are ciclids, they will get a little aggro towards each other as they set up their pecking order.

4. usually the more intense reds are the females.

5.in all honesty I'd be looking for a 650L tank minimum to house that many fish to a healthy adult size, I'd start moving out the less desirables and putting your energy into the better fish.

Thanks and I agree on all points.

Certainly leaning towards either offloading non desirables and / or moving the melons and diamonds to tanks I have sitting empty. The tank is well cared for and well filtered.

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 10:17 AM
Had a good pensive afternoon thinking about this setup with the added input from yourself ILLUSION and you have confirmed my own thoughts.

The tip re: HCl and the article - excellent!

The reason I asked after the MR always showing dissent to the snow leopard was because, (having kept & bred new and old world cichlids for many years and being aware of pecking orders etc), it was odd that the MR who is one of 2 dominant fish (not paired) always drove away at the snow leopard when it went near to her - but no other. The other dominant discus displays no such behaviour but clearly rules the roost jointly. Wondered if there might be more to it?

I had already decided to offload all but the MR, melons and diamonds and focus on the two latter types and make use of an empty tank for the diamonds. (The MR is a friend :) ... ) I just needed to hear somebody else with more experience in the field of discus - say the same.

Heard that male melons are blander which is good as I appear to have a nice mixture.

Anyway - ILLUSIOn - thankyou