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Tue Dec 11, 2007, 02:48 AM
G'day fellow fish lovers

1. What is the best and cheapest way to soften water?

2. Who uses discus geoliquid and opinions?



Tue Dec 11, 2007, 02:52 AM
I use HCl (brickies acid) to soften my water, it converts CO3 (kH) to CO2 and O2.

I dont use geo liquid, but i have been using aussie geo mineralson my planted display tank after each big (50%) water change.

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 03:10 AM
So the brickies acid softens and lowers?

What about sodium biphosphate?

I have both

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 03:47 AM
illusn, do you have problems using the hcl?...i tried it for a while,got the aged water in the barrell about 6.2 or so but my ph still went up in the tankafter i added the water, so i gave up. its usually at about 7.6...i know its not ideal but is that acceptable?

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 04:26 AM
I get the aged water down to 5.0, most of the tanks run at 5.0-5.5 except the planted display tank which runs at 5.5 -6.0 (used onyx sand in the pots to leach CO3 for the red swords).

anything that reduces the CO3 of the water will soften it, my kh is effectivly 0 (1-3 max!)

I dont like phosphate buffers cause i have some plant tanks, have a read of this, it will help answer your questions
