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Fri Dec 07, 2007, 03:46 AM
I'm just about to add an 18W UV lamp to my 420L tank attached to an Eheim 2213. Do you leave the lamp on 24/7? or can you pulse the use, say 6 hrs per day. The reason for using the UV is to control an algal bloom!!

Fri Dec 07, 2007, 08:49 AM
18Wwouid it be too strong? but i guess stronger is always better.

you can choose to on it 24/7 or 6hrs. it's your choice. you should see the effect really quickly.

it would control the algae bloom, but won't eliminate it.

Fri Dec 07, 2007, 08:55 AM
if you run it 24/7 you'll also have paracite control and a more favorable redox for your tank.

Mon Dec 10, 2007, 02:16 AM
Thanks for the advise. I went for the 18W to match the flowrate of the 2213 and for parasite control, therefore will run it 24hrs

Mon Dec 10, 2007, 06:10 AM
stuart, how many hrs do you leave your lights on for?
and do you have co2 in your system?

Tue Dec 11, 2007, 08:55 PM
I leave my lights on for 10 hrs per day and I have DIY CO2 system. Light wattage is 212 watts so roughly 0.5 watts per litre.

Thu Dec 13, 2007, 04:02 AM
i do hope first of all, the 2213 is not your only filter, as that is way too small for your tank :)

how long has the tank being setup?
because you should realli only have the lights for 5-6 hrs for the first two month,
then 8 hrs, then when you mass out on the plants do you leave it on for 10...

i would say your light wattage is fine, if not a little too less,

unless a tank is in direct sun light all the time, i wouldnt really invest in a uv lamp, simply because it is a huge amount of money to invest in,

i am not sure if you are adding fertiliser, but if you are using one, make sure they dont have phosphate(major concern) or nitrate in them, as you should already have a lot in the tank already,

I use the JBL 7 Balls, they are really good to use, as you just hide them in the substrate, and they last for a year, and the nutrients are released as required and excess amounts are absorbed.

algae is not really that hard to control, just remember , less light hrs, more nutrients for plants only, have lots of plants to suck all those phosphate and nitrate before the algae get them.
as plants generally excel algae in nutrient absorbtion, if the nutrients are just enough for the plants, what do you think the algae will eat :)

Thu Dec 13, 2007, 10:45 PM
Thanks for the reply. No the 2213 is not my only filter I also have a 2227 set up as a 2026(running in the "wet" mode). I did go a head with the 36W UV and the tank is clearing rapidly, within 24 hrs the difference was fantastic. I think my alge problem came about from double dosing of Seachem Excel to control BBA, which it did a great job of eliminating. I have used Dupla gravel fertiliser as well as Seachem Excel and the plants are looking great!

Thu Dec 13, 2007, 11:50 PM
good to hear the tank is clearing up :)

Thu Jan 24, 2008, 03:51 PM
hi gribbs01...

How long did u have to use the Seachem Excel to get rid of the BBA.... Ive used a bottle of the Excel but was not able to see any difference in the algae bloom...

also... would uv-c light get rid of algae as well as the BBA?

sorry for all the questions...

Fri Jan 25, 2008, 12:10 AM
I used three double doses of excel over 6 days, ie double the initial dose, then two days later a double dose of the normal dose than 2 days later a double dose of the normal dose. The BBA turned red and displayed in about a week. I use a normal dose of Excel every 4 or 5 days and have not seen the return of the BBA.

I would recommend UV-C for any water-bourne alge, my tank was very green from over fertilizing and lights on for too long, installed the UV and within 4 days the water was crystal clear. I run the lamp 24/7 and the water is fantastically clear. Highly recommend the use of UV lamps.

Fri Jan 25, 2008, 05:38 AM

Thanks for the detailed info... I will try a uv-c lanmp as well as excel... BBA seriously makes a potentially nice tank very unattractive...

Good to hear therre is a way to get rid of such pests...