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View Full Version : Brasiliensis breathing heavy.

Wed Dec 05, 2007, 10:28 AM
Hi I have a very happy 22 cm Geophagus Brasiliensis which has been acting a bit strange over the last 24-48 hours. I am pretty sure he is a male because he has been very aggressive towards other fish in the past. He seems to be breathing heavier than usual and he has cleared an area of the tank down to the glass and is very particular about it. My thoughts are is that the temp in the room may be warmer than usual due to the summer heat which is increasing the ambient temperature, causing the temp in his tank to be hotter for longer periods than earlier in the year. This could be influencing the possible breeding behaviour or a decrease in dissolved oxygen causing him to breath heavier than usual. Nitrate, nitrite, pH, KH and GH are all very good and the water is very well oxygenated.

Any thoughts would be helpful.

Wed Dec 05, 2007, 10:31 AM
Also is water temp is 28 degrees celcius.