View Full Version : WTB: large eheim canister filter

Wed Nov 21, 2007, 03:31 AM
hi all....if anyone has a used eheim out there that they want to sell, let me know. Must be big enough for 6X2X2...THANKS

Wed Nov 21, 2007, 03:44 AM
The only eheims big enough for a 6x2x2 are the 2260 and the 2080. ASA has both on sale now.
the price on the 2080 is $630, 300 below what my lfs charges for it the 2260 is $600 even.

Wed Nov 21, 2007, 04:40 AM
thank illusn, but i don't have that kind of cash.was just hoping someone might have a used one for sale, although i suppose when you pay that for a filter you don't want to part with it :)...it would be used in tandem with my aqua one 2400, so maybe i could go something smaller?. just thought i'd go big if i could, the more filtration the better i reckon