View Full Version : Basic Rules

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 11:35 AM
Hi Everyone,

Theore pics of planted Discus tanks the more I drean of one, would anyone like to share some basic rules for a planted Discus tank?


"Keepem Swimming"

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 12:03 PM
Sorry that last post should have read,

The more pics of planted Discus tanks I see the more I drean of one, would anyone like to share some basic rules for a planted Discus tank?

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 12:29 PM
1. needs of the discus come first.
2. Plant selection: choose plants that like a high temp and soft acidic water.
3. Use as many FAST growers as you can, these will keep down your NO3, which your discus will appreciate.
4. Balance your lighting fertilizing and CO2 to suit your plant AND YOUR FISH.

Fri Nov 09, 2007, 02:43 PM
Agree with what Illusn has said

I learnt no.2 the hard way with the plants which i didn't realise at the time just melting away becuase of the high temps.

With No.4 Make sure you have good lighting or the CO2 is useless.

I changed my T8 Fluros to T5s and the growth was dramatic with plants for the first time pearling when they didn't with the T8s and CO2.

Get good lighting first if you don't wana fork out the $$$$ for CO2.

Will still get really good growth with the basic plants.

Just check out this

No CO2. Low tech tank and is stunning!
If you check out the guys site it has even more stunning pics
