View Full Version : Hospital tank size???

Tue Nov 06, 2007, 12:05 AM
Hey guys,

I need some advice. I have a 125l (27galon) hospital tank, and I was wondering how many discus I can put in it. I have 8 discus ranging from 5cm to 15cm, and I want to treat them all for gill flukes. Treating my 450l tank is a big hassle, so treating them all in the 125l will help.

I will also give them a 50% water change 2 a day...

Any advice??

Tue Nov 06, 2007, 12:17 AM
Throw them all in, just keep sucking up excess food 30min after every feed. and dont slack up on the water changes.

I treat 14 adult discus in 140L of water when i use metro.

Tue Nov 06, 2007, 12:23 AM
Thanks for the tip illusin, how long should I keep them in the hospital tank for??

Also, In my vission 450l tank with 6 discus, how often should I give them a water change??? I give them a 20% w/c 2 times a week... enough?? The highest my no3 has been is 5.

Can I run a airstone (O2) together with my Co2?? I have a p.h controler set at 6,7p.h and my waters kh is 3.5.

Tue Nov 06, 2007, 12:27 AM
if your no3 is that low your water changes are fine
I run an airstone 24/7 with my planted discus tanks, otherwise my fish never look happy. if you do this you will go through ALOT of CO2 (i empty a 5kg cylinder every 2-3 months on my 6x2x2)

how long your fish stay in the hospital tank depends on why they are there.
if your doing a round of metro then after a week they are good to go back.

if your doing a long bath of pp (2mg/L) for gill fluke then 4 hours would be the minimum time unless they start to show distress.

if your using prazi, then after 48 hours instead of doing the water change, just send them back to the display tank

Tue Nov 06, 2007, 01:04 AM
What do you suggest I do, pp, or prazi??? How would I go about prepearing the pp solution??

Tue Nov 06, 2007, 03:04 AM
I use prazi first as it also treats for tapeworms, if after 2 prazi treatments they're still flicking i use pp.

when i use pp i use a 10 min bath of 10mg/L
I prepare this by disolving 1 gram of pp in 10ml of water and ading 1ml of the solution to a 10L bucket with a heater and an airstone.

if the fish show any distress, darting in the bucket or smashing into the sides or trying to jump out i remove them immidately!

you can store the pp solution in a brown glass bottle wrapped in aluminium foil in the fridge for a good few months.

Tue Nov 06, 2007, 03:04 AM
You may experience a reinfection due to the cysts remaining in your tank.
Although once you reduce the fluke numbers on the fish they should become more active and eat better. Try getting them in top shape before returning them, which in turn will help them cope with flukes.