View Full Version : Moving to a bigger tank

Sat Nov 03, 2007, 10:38 AM
Hi All

Have just talked the Boss into a bigger tank, 1200x450x600H, the new tank has a trickle system built in.

My plan is to place the new media (sponges, noodles) in the established 3ft tank (floating around in the tank itself) and to let it seed for a while before the move.

I generally give the fish a 40% water change twice weekly and to move them I was simply going to move them, their existing water and canister filter to the new tank, then add the normal 40% of fresh water to top up the tank (effectively giving them a water dilution instead of a water change).Then ageing some more water over 2-3 days as i normally do and "diluting" the tank water till it's full.

1. Do you think that the existing tank water conditions will change with the inclusion of the new media just floating around in there?

2. Is my method logical?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


Sat Nov 03, 2007, 12:17 PM
Sounds like a good idea.
I'd try to imcoperate your existing media into the new filter, if thats not possible when you do the move out your old media into a mesh bag and place that in the tank for a couple of weeks, or evem better hook up your old filter to the new tank and run both filters for a few weeks

Sat Nov 03, 2007, 12:34 PM
Thanks Illusn,

Yea, i planned to keep the original canister fillter going on the new tank, as its a Fluval 305, the specs tell me it would cope with the volume, more filtration is better in my books, so that's why i would like to use the trickle system, as well, to suppliment the new setup.

Thanks for your thoughts.