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View Full Version : Don't you just love kids...

Thu Sep 13, 2007, 10:55 AM
This morning my little 9 year old daughter took my phone and hid it (which i use as an alarm), she then woke me when we should have been leaving for school by telling me she was feeling very sick. I opened my eyes and saw my daughter standing there with huge red texta coloured in circles drawn all over her face, body and even her back.

She then tried to convince me she had chicken pox and was very sick, I made her have a bath and after an hour of scrubbing she was on her way to school.. (took a lot of strength not to laugh)

Anyone else have any funny stories on things their kids have done?

Thu Sep 13, 2007, 11:02 AM
Speaking of chicken pox - we had it go through my family and when little miss 3 got it she was quite excited about staying home with me - until she got sick.

She looked up to me with her big eyes and said

"This isn't as much fun as I thought it was going to be."

Poor wife had to nurse all 5 kids (counting me) though it and never got sick herself. Thank god for Mums.

Steve (Dad and big kid :D )

Thu Sep 13, 2007, 11:16 AM
my girlfriend's 10 year old girl was always saying "I wish i get chicken pox so i don't have to go to school".A couple of her friends were down with it. sure enough, she got it, but on the first day of school holidays.

Thu Sep 13, 2007, 11:25 AM
hahaha... that will teach her..

Fri Sep 14, 2007, 03:52 AM
Deborah, thats priceless!!! I cant believe you managed to keep a straight face....

I was sick with a really bad cold last week and my little 3 year old daughter was looking worried, she took off and a few minutes later she was back with a jar of lollies from which she took out a jube and looking very concerned, forced it down my throat saying .... "here mummy, this will make the sick go away!"

I just melted.

Fri Sep 14, 2007, 07:04 AM
Awww that's beautiful

Fri Sep 14, 2007, 07:42 AM
priceless moments guys.

your all very very lucky!!!!

i cant wait to have some of my own :)