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View Full Version : Hemichromis lifalili/Hemichromis bimaculatus

Mon Sep 03, 2007, 03:21 PM
well it's basically red forest jewel.
and i dun think they are classified under Dwarf either. but this is the best place for this thread i figure.
currently residing at my office tank. only had them for a couple of weeks. i love the colour and the brilliant sparkle. trying to breed them but it's still early days.
any tips on how to breed these beautiful fish? i am sure there are experts out there... also is the female gravid? i thought i can see the breeding tube but it's been like this for a week now. any idea?
cheers Eric

Tue Sep 04, 2007, 07:02 AM
theyw ill breed when they are ready dont worry about that
then youll be posting askign how to stop them breeding

Wed Sep 05, 2007, 12:52 PM
They look real good. it's not often you see them with colour that vivid these days.

Keep your water changes up and feed them a good quality food. Live or frozen food helps.

Like Chris said, they'll breed soon enough.

mine used to lay eggs on a donut shapes lava rock.

Be careful, the fry grow quickly and take alot of feeding, so over filtration is a good idea...

BTW, god help those tetras or rasboras when they do start to breed :twisted: .


Wed Sep 05, 2007, 03:43 PM
thanks guys. I was hooked on buy the color and blue spots when i was a child. now i ve set a goal to breed these beauty. i've only got them in a relatively small tank... at my office. surely that would be a factor. i ve just commenced on feeding them black worm. maybe i should find a bigger, flatter piece of rock for them. hopefully i will soon ask for contraceptive pills for them :lol: please say a prayer for the 5 scissors tail in there...