View Full Version : Green Water

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 01:03 AM
I currently have a really bad case of green water in one of my tanks (standard 4ft). The ph is about 7.4 and I change about 10% daily. At the moment I only have 1 discus in the tank. I've got Wisteria in pots which should, when they take hold, solve my algae problems. Any ideas for cleaning up the green water in the mean time?

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 03:01 AM
A big powerful UV Sterliser should solve your problem

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 03:32 AM
And I just ordered one !


The 15 watter ! Can't wait till it arrives. Should be able to move my ottos out of the tank, they have been tolerating the 30 degrees temp but not sure if they are getting enough food or really liking the temp that much.

Yup, I have heard in the forums that UV sterz should make your water crystal clear (and kill the algae).

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 03:46 AM
What tubes do they use?

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 05:04 AM
LOL... any cheap options? I only have one discus in there at the moment.

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 07:40 AM
hey i just order a small one as well.

want to test it on my 3 ft tank. if they are good i will buy a huge one.

i asked the seller which bulb they use, here is the reply:

The 9 watt uses a PL compact tube wheir the 6watt uses a standard UVT tube.
The bulbs are readily available from us or from most uv stockists.

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 08:16 AM
how long do u have ur light/s on for ?? uv would be the way to go ...

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 08:37 AM

try a larger water change, 50% of aged water (not to stir up the fish)

then cut the lights on the tank for 7 days, if you can cover the tank with some dark cover and have the lights come on for 3 hours a day that will work as well

keep the water changes up ever second day for the next 8 days

should solve the problem, thats my cheap alternative :wink: (i don't use UV)

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 08:59 AM
Mmmm... I'd try that if it wasn't for the wisteria. It's starting to grow and I've stacked the pots so they are only 3-4inches from the surface. I may just have to be patient...

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 09:06 AM
your water is unstable for the alge to grow

your should increase your water changes and decrease your light, if the wisteria don't get 10 hours light for 8 days they may drop a a couple of leaves, but they won't die. they will benifit from the increase of light and nutrients when the algee die though

it may suck, but 8 days ain't long

then the algee's dead, and the fish and plants can ROCK :wink:

Thu Nov 04, 2004, 11:26 PM
As kalebjarrod has mentioned, it is called a black out. I also have a planted tank with Discus, and I bought new bulbs for the lighting and with in 2 weeks I had a green water issue. I cut the lights and covered the tank for 4 days, and it worked. Plants were fine, just dropped a few leaves, but nothing seriously damaged.
You want to get that water quality under control as soon as poosble, or the green water will be come a bigger issue.