View Full Version : How to clean a canister filter?

Sat Aug 25, 2007, 05:48 AM
I have searched and been unable to find information on the best way to clean a canister filter without upseting the nitrifying bacteria. Could someone please educate me in the process? Cheers, from a Fishnoob.

Sat Aug 25, 2007, 06:13 AM
G'day mate,

remove and discard the white wool, it's only good for 1 use, now take a bucket of water FROM YOUR FISH TANK! and put all the biomedia into it. DONT EVER WASH YOUR BIO MEDIA IN TAP WATER!

get another bucket out and use it to clean up your corse sponge and any mech media you might have.

using your aquarium sponge give the filter body's insides a quick once over and your all done with preservation of your filter bacteria.

you can use tap water to give your hoses a quick clean.Flush them through then if needed work a tube cleaning brush through it.

Tue Aug 28, 2007, 07:08 AM
Thanks mate, you have been a great help, more than once. :wink: