View Full Version : tank bully

Mon Aug 20, 2007, 01:48 PM
i guys :)

My Brilliant turquoise was previously the biggest boy in the tank. About 15cm. Since then I added a little 7cm, and 2 others that were roughly his size. He has adjusted fine to his new larger roommates but continually bullies the little guy and won't let him eat. I realise now it probably wasn't the wisest decision to put a smaller one in there but i thought my dominant discus wouldn't see him as a threat and wouldn't fight with him.

Do you think this will calm down or should I transfer the little one into another tank until he gets a bit bigger and can fight for his food?


scott bowler
Mon Aug 20, 2007, 02:00 PM
hi chloe it should settle down it is just the bigger guy is trying to show whos the boss. just keep an eye on the little guy that he is getting some food .even if you have to feed at both ends of the tank so he gets some thing

Wed Aug 22, 2007, 02:57 PM
Thats funny, My new ones are doing the totally opposite.

Medium guy is chasing biggest guy, lol

(It should flip/flop.) :lol:

Tue Aug 28, 2007, 03:25 PM
Discus are basically large schooling fish but they do work out a certain pecking order amongst themselves.
Your big guy, as Scotty said, is just asserting his/her authority and trying to muscle the little one out of getting any food, leading to starvation, death and then no more competition for food/mating partners. :evil:
That is a worst case scenario and you've just got to find ways to outsmart the smartest fish :wink:
Shouldn't be too hard. We're the smartest things on earth! :roll: :lol: