View Full Version : shy discus - techniques to help them gain confidence

Fri Aug 17, 2007, 01:31 PM
I was wondering what strategies other people use to help Discus gain confidence.

At one time or another there is one Discus that is just too shy. Sometimes this behaviour can spread to previously confident Discus. Lets assume that the fish aren't ill or unusually dark.

The situation I have is that I've been growing some discus from young. They have always been in a gravel tank. I have recently moved them to a bare bottom tank. It is sooo much easier to keep clean! :P However the fish who were previously confident are now much more shy.

I changed the lighting so that there are no shadows. I then added pot plants to provide some hiding spots. Finally I covered up 3 sides. The plan now is to reposition the tank so there are few disturbances around it and I'm spending quality time with the fish when feeding.

I'd be interested in hearing what other people have done to "condition" their fish from shyness to confidence. I remember Samir mentioning with wilds getting them to a point where he could "touch" them, I take it he meant touch them when feeding.

Fri Aug 17, 2007, 01:38 PM
have you checked for ammonia in the new tank ???

Sat Aug 18, 2007, 05:16 AM
have you checked for ammonia in the new tank ???

yes forgot to mention all water parameters are ok. I tried something which worked though - obvious when I think about it - I had 3 discus in a small bare bottom 90ltr, I transfered them to a 240ltr so that there were 5 discus together - and there was enough of a shoal for at least one to feel confident. Result is that all of them have regained confidence almost straigh away, now in a bare bottom tank!

Wed Sep 05, 2007, 12:29 PM
i'm having the same problem with shy discus it always hides in the back of the tank, then I put an albino catfish to the tank and now the discus is always go to the front of the tank.
hope this will work for you.


Thu Sep 06, 2007, 06:11 AM
You can always use a school of dither fish.A nice school of tetras or rainbows ect, the discus will see the small fish swimming around this will make them more comfortable and come out more.


Thu Sep 06, 2007, 06:14 AM
try some live brine shrimp every few days for a week or so, the shy fish will strat hunting and then it'll come out more (works well in my tanks when i introduce new fish)