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View Full Version : Saltwater to freshwater tank

Mon Aug 13, 2007, 04:52 PM
Just curious what you guys recommend to be done to an old reef tank, to make it a freshwater planted discus tank?

There is a 75 gallon old reef tank at work, and the guys said I could have the tank, stand, and light fixture for free!!

The tank has been out of commission for quite some time now, but still have pink and purple, and white crusty stuff all over the glass. It has a leak too, but one guy said he will re-caulk it for me

Also the light fixture is 48" long, and has four blue LED moonlights, and the option for four CF lights....two plugs on each end, and the bulbs extend halfway out towards the middle of the fixture...I believe there are 12000K bulbs and actinics....all bulbs seem to be 65watts.

I would use EVERYTHING from my tank now, except the lights obvioulsy, but the filters, gravel, co2 equipment, water, plants, fish...everything! I know I will need more gravel, but I was only thinking I would need more gravel, and the light bulbs??

So basically any suggestions on how to "sterilize" the tank, and recommendations on what lighting to go with would be great. Also, if you can think of anything else I would need...lemme know

Thanks very much....dunno if Im gonna do this yet or not, but Im really considering it...my fish would be so much happier! :D

Mon Aug 13, 2007, 09:59 PM
if the leak was fixed it would be a great opertunity, to clean up the tank, some dilute acid would take off all the calcium residue, if you use HCl it decomposes into hydrogen and chlorine so all you'd have to do is add a 4x or 5x dose of dechlorinator after you'd filled and emptied the clean tank, i'd also let it dry outside in the sun for a day or 2 before you refilled it.

you sure you couldnt use your existing light as well? the 96w cf's have alot more intensity then the 65w, if not get some plant tubes and some 6500k-10000k white tubes and your done. you'll be suppreiesed how much more eco complete you'll need for the upgrade, i guestermate about 3 9kg bags.

Mon Aug 13, 2007, 10:29 PM
Thanks ILLUSN :D

I will try to see if I can find some HCL.

I will try to get a pic of the light fixture, or at least a make....I dunno if my lights will fit....my fixture itself is only 36" long, like my tank....I really would rather not spend money on a new fixture, or bulbs, but I know the bulbs this fixture has it in now are no good...but I can put four different bulbs in this new one, there are four "plugs" for them, and they extend halfway out into the middle of the fixture....guess they are 24" bulbs. Im new to lighting, and so far, my fixture is kicking my butt :roll: Im only using one 96 6700K right now :(

I think I will be working on this soon tho!:D :D The misses approved :P

Now just have to get to fixing this new tank, and then home....I will be back when it comes time to "swap" tanks :shock: dont think that is gonna be easy

you'll be suppreiesed how much more eco complete you'll need for the upgrade, i guestermate about 3 9kg bags.

I believe you there :wink: I think I have five bags in my tank now

Thanks very much for your help....Im getting excited! :D

Mon Aug 13, 2007, 11:26 PM
HCl is often sold as brickies acid, used for cleaning brickwork and excess concrete of new houses, just water it down about 1 in 10. another good product we have in oz is called CLR, but you'll have to make sure you clean up the residue VERY WELL.

Tue Aug 14, 2007, 12:29 PM
Thank you ILLUSN

I know we can get CLR here, but I will try for the HCL first

The light fixture is a 48" Odyssea

Thanks again

Tue Aug 14, 2007, 11:40 PM
Good find. Not sure whether or not you are using the term "re-caulk" metaphorically, but you do not re caulk the tank. You have to use silicone, as far as I understand. Also, I don't see why you should not use your new light fixture. I think your 48" should be at least 196W. I have 6 Odyssea CF fixtures and they work great. When I setup my 125G, which was a SW tank, I just wiped things off. I didn't use any acid or vinegar, which some people use. I don't think there are any bad stuff in there if the tank is bone dry. But that's just me. Anyhow, good luck with the new setup.

Wed Aug 15, 2007, 06:04 AM
physical cleaning is all they ashould be required, ro water would likely dissolve off any calcium precipitates to

salt water has different pathogens to freshwater so not too much worry there


Thu Aug 16, 2007, 01:12 AM
Thanks very much guys! ive kinda run into a snag....all the sudden the guy wants to try to sell it on ebay....nice :twisted:

Anyways....I will keep you guys posted...I hope he calms down, and changes his mind