View Full Version : Help please - Unidentified White Slime!

Sat Aug 11, 2007, 04:43 AM
Hi, I have recently joined and thought I wouldn't be using emergency forums for awhile. Things change! I have a 4 foot, 215 litre tank that houses 2 discus, 6 tetras, 1 small silver shark and 1 small bristlenose. The tank has been running for 3 weeks and levels are
ph 6.3
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
GH 60
Kh 40

I have a 50 watt heater and an internal filter (just came from old aquarium) a new 300 watt heater and a new Aquaone 104F filter. The fish have been in tank for a week and seem to be fine - eating brine shrimp and Tetra colour granules.
My problem is -and noone up here knows why - is that I have a white slimy gunk growing on my new filter and heater. It hasn't affected the old equipment, nor anywhere else in the tank. Hoping this isn't an emergency, but want to make sure. Have sent pic of slime if it helps.
Thanks in advance.

Sat Aug 11, 2007, 06:26 AM
it's ok mate...

my tanks have the same thing.. it's not gona harm ur fish at all so don't worry

Sat Aug 11, 2007, 07:13 AM
It's quite harmless.

It's some kind of slime that grows on new rubber pieces once they come in contact with aquarium water. Which is why your older pieces of equipment are not growing the same slime.

If you had some bristlenose catfish in there, they would find it quite tasty.

Simply wipe or brush it off. :P

Sat Aug 11, 2007, 07:35 AM
Thanks for help. Relieved knowing it is nothing. Great site too! Now, just have to find some discus suppliers near me. Thanks again.