View Full Version : new substrate

alan j t
Fri Aug 03, 2007, 12:27 AM
hi everyone
i just put ut in some eco complete and flourite to my existing discus tank
everything went smoothly did not have any fatalities
some of my plants love it like my vals and my anubias love it and having new shoots every week
on the other hand my amazons swords are looking like crap even the young leaves
can any one help me please

alan j t
Fri Aug 03, 2007, 12:38 AM
i also learned that the swords or root feeders big time
i was thinking that the new substrate would help if anything improve the swords

Sat Aug 04, 2007, 02:07 AM
by adding the substrate you proably disturbed the young feeder roots of the swords(fine white roots with lots of root hairs), they will recover, if you like remove half the old leaves so as the roots dont have to service such a large plant. try adding some clayballs or root tabs to the base of each sword, they will recover in a month or 2.

alan j t
Sun Aug 05, 2007, 06:01 AM
sounds good to me ill do that thank you
i know of root tabs but i never heard of clay balls
isnt the flourite made of clay

Sun Aug 05, 2007, 08:06 AM
jbl make clay balls as do a few others,m bassically its a caly enriched with fertilizer, clay has good CEC which allows it to bind nutrients better till the plats roots extract them.