View Full Version : Help with hair algae.

Tue Jul 31, 2007, 03:51 AM
Hi, Need help from someone with great experience. I have been setting up my discus tanks now for about six months. All is perfect. The only reason I have not added the discus is the fact that my Bristlenoses have become breeding factories and I dare not do anything that my stop their current breeding frenzy. I can add the discus any time. I have a problem with Hair algae (the long darkish green strands) on the edges of my Anubia, crypts and java plants. There is also a little on some of the filter pipes, etc. It is not bad but the potential is deffently there. I am sure the algae is a result of the phosphates in the discus buffer, I am getting a test reading of 0.25 ppm. Is there some wonderful trick in keeping this at bay if not stopping it completely. The lighting is via 2 X 36 watt Gro Lux fluros however they are only on for 4 hours a day in two incriments of two hours. All other water qualities are perfect for discus (and obviously bristlenoses). I wanted to introduce a couple of siamese algae eaters however I am fearful they may eat the bristlenose fry. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Tue Jul 31, 2007, 04:10 AM
SAE's will eat fry (or anything small enogh to get in their mouths), try a complete black out for 48hrs, then physically remove everything thats left.