View Full Version : how many schooling fish?

Sat Jul 14, 2007, 12:39 AM
i have a 3 ft 215 liter tank which currently has 5 discus and 2 bn. i am planning on adding some kind of schooling fish and what i was wondering was how many could i add with out over stocking? thanks for any help

Sat Jul 14, 2007, 06:14 AM
Your tank is about the size of mine (200L), I have 5 discus, 1 BN, 2 Yo-Yos, a butterfly ram, and 8 tetras (2 lemon & 6 rummynose). So you could probably add a dozen or so small tetras.

BTW, filtration is part of the key here. I run a Ehiem classic 2217, which is rated for a much larger tank size. So as long as you have good filtration and do your water changes, you should be okay.

The discus do not harass the tetras and they certainly add a bit a character to the tank.

scott bowler
Sat Jul 14, 2007, 07:59 AM
elixerb i would say you could safely have about 10 -15 small fish .If your tank care is good and water is good you may be able to have more .good luck mate