View Full Version : update on new discus

Sun Oct 24, 2004, 04:51 AM
Just wanting to say how happy I am with my new very first discus. This fish from the start was not shy at all like some I have heard of. I think my angel fish had alot to do with it also. The swim together and are always around each other..

The discus found the worm feeder in a real hurry and expects there to be worms put in everytime I go near the tank. Not going to happen little discus has to eat flakes too which it does very eagerly. Constantly picking away at the plants, driftwood and gravel what a cute character. What a beautiful addition to my tank as well.

I just bought some new plants also, Fountain Plant and Amazon Sword plants to go with my Java Fern. Looks good :lol:

I was a bit concerned about my cherry barbs, white clouds and lepoard danios in there but all is just fine. No nipping as they are all very small stay in a group and adjusted to the rasising of the water temp just fine.

When they expire ( these are three types of tough little fish) I certainly will be replacing them with a nice school of rummy nose tetras and cardinal tetras but for now they are all happy, healthy and very content.


Sun Oct 24, 2004, 05:39 AM
Congratulations on your new acquaintance. I'm sure as time passes you'll enjoy discus keeping much much more and more... :D

Tue Oct 26, 2004, 02:13 PM

Tue Oct 26, 2004, 11:54 PM
Congrats! Please be aware not to mix them with really small cardinal tetras. They might turn out as very expensive discus dinner... :-) Try to buy large size cardinal tetras possible..

Isn't it nice to look at your discus stay in front of your tank waiting for you to feed..

Wed Oct 27, 2004, 01:49 AM
congratulations and best of luck.

Wed Oct 27, 2004, 02:18 AM
Yes they are just like angels fish, little piggies. But they are breathtaking to watch. I was at out LFS today and they don't usually have cardinals in as they don't do well with our water apparently. We have hard alkaline water with high ph. I have been that route in trying to lower it when I bred angels and lost a whole wap of fish in doing so.

So no more playing with the water, leave it alone as I have learned. My discus came from the same water as what we have here is that is why it is doing so well. I don't want to breed fish anymore, been there and done that. I want a tank for enjoyment.

So back to the cardinals, yes the small ones would be a snack. The rummy nose on the other hand I have seen some really nice ones and the black neons are outstanding at the stores. Would love to have some of those too, my tank is full at the moment. I have to wait till some of my small fish live out their lives first before stocking anymore.

I must say that out of all the forums I belong to this has to be one of the kindest forums going. I don't see anyone knocking each other down and saying that there is only one way to do things and that is it. Glad to have found you all :wink:


Wed Oct 27, 2004, 04:54 AM
I must say that out of all the forums I belong to this has to be one of the kindest forums going. I don't see anyone knocking each other down and saying that there is only one way to do things and that is it. Glad to have found you all :wink: :D

Now, that is what this is all about....The people here are great. And besides, isn't a fish froum for fish and not "meanness"...we can get that just about anywhere. I love this forum. Proteus and Pyro have done a great job! :wink:

Wed Oct 27, 2004, 05:02 AM
Maybe they've been working so hard to "DELETE" all aggressive messages.. :lol: :lol: ..

....just joking..

Wed Oct 27, 2004, 05:04 AM
Well, if that is the case, Then KUDOS TO THEM! Most forums do need the clean up crew to keep a great forum going. :wink: